Coaching for Professionals

Working in the field of education as a teacher, SENCO, therapist, educational psychologist – whatever you do, it’s a demanding and quite often an emotionally challenging vocation.

The attachments and relationships you are managing can lead to a place of overwhelm. Through coaching you will be able to empower yourself to discover what beliefs may be getting in your way to a truly fulfilling and satisfying day at work.

Solutions to issues that you had not identified will be uncovered and you will be able to identify new ways to manage your relationships and professional commitments.

Team coaching

Team Coaching for professionals affords you the opportunity to openly discuss challenges and feelings associated with your work in a safe setting with your peers. Team coaching is unlike one-off workshops and team-building away-days, team coaching enables teams to identify and address their challenges over a programme lasting several months, resulting in deeper learning and more sustainable changes through adopting collective wisdom and collective improvement.



Group Coaching - Young adults

Harness the collective wisdom of Group Coaching to empower your individual journey

Working in a group with others who share a common challenge, goal or theme is a powerful way to surround yourself with healthy, safe peer support. The group are able to offer a different perspective or focus of you and everyone can learn and grow from each-others experience, knowledge, insights and ideas.

As part of your personal and professional development is awareness of self as well as those around you. There is a wealth of development that comes from working in a group, the mixes of backgrounds and outlooks and experiences offers learning and development which can help you to overcome challenges and embrace untold opportunities. 


SEND Professionals Insight & Coaching

One of the key aspects of Raising Spirit is to build greater awareness for teachers, parents and organisations to better understand and manage the challenge of educating and parenting non-neurotypical children. If you feel your staff or colleagues would benefit from some insight through a work-shop then please do get in touch.

The world can be very challenging for parents of non-neurotypical children and often it is due to a lack of understanding between what is involved at home and expected at school. Typically developing children and their parents, teachers  and other professionals involved in education may all benefit from these insightful workshops which will allow for greater compassion and empathy when working with or speaking to parents of SEND children or parenting under other challenging circumstances.  

Clare Norman can work with you in your school or nursery to help build more acceptance amongst students other children, teachers or carers around the world of Special Educational Needs and neuro-diversity.  

As part of your inclusion policy, programs and workshops are offered and can be packaged to your specific requirements. 

Please make contact to enquire and discuss your areas of interest.

