Youth Coaching - teens & young adults

Finding the confidence to reach your full potential 

Life coaching for young people can be a useful solution when they are experiencing difficulties. Youth coaching will encourage personal development as well as provide a channel for anxiety and stress. Managing stress and overwhelm during this time of growth and learning is one of the biggest challenges for both parent and child. The session will allow for setting and achieving goals, discussing difficult issues and discovering what is most important to them. It is very helpful if you want your child to receive support but you are not the right person to give it to them.  Topics are identified that may include school, or college and family life, friends, relationships or anything else that happens to be causing an emotional impact or on their mind.

Coaching develops a solutions based mindset where frustrations and worries can be aired in a non-judgemental safe space that will help to bring about greater awareness and positive change. 

Group coaching can also be very beneficial for young adults who all share a common goal, this could be managing anxiety and stress, boosting confidence and self esteem or other common themes. Please go to Group Coaching.
